In a world that offers loneliness, Christ offers community. When Christ was beginning his mission of salvation, he gathered disciples around himself into a community. As Legionaries, we live out this mystery of mission in communion through our own communities.
In a world that is ever more polarized, our communities are privileged places where men from different nationalities come together united by a common mission. Discipleship wins out over division.
In a world where people seek a sense of belonging, what brings us together is the call of Christ. We do not choose one another; we are chosen by the Lord. The brotherhood we live in our years of formation prepares us to live out our mission as Christ lived his: forming apostles to engage society with the values of the Gospel.

Every Legionary forms himself not only to be a spiritual father in the exercise of his ministry, but also a brother for his community members.
Christus Vita Vestra, 283