LC Cheshire

“Christ does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”

  Meet Brother Matthew Artall


“Christ does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” I’ve never related to a quote from outside of the Bible more than this one.

I grew up in south Louisiana, attending Catholic school and Mass. Unfortunately, and despite my mom’s best efforts, I didn’t want anything to do with God. I always wanted to help people, so I searched for any other way to find happiness throughout high school. I searched for where I wanted to be. All this time, Christ was waiting patiently.

After graduating high school, God brought a wonderful and holy girl into my life. She challenged me to spend time with God and to know Him. We began dating when I went to Georgia Tech in Atlanta to study Mechanical Engineering.

While in my second year of college, I was considering proposing to my girlfriend of two years. I had also begun to be more involved with the campus Catholic Center at that time. I prayed an hour each week in front of the Eucharist. The more I went to adoration, the more I noticed God drawing me closer to Himself—it was clear He really loved me and wanted me. Soon, I began to ask Jesus what He wanted for my life.

In one of my treasured holy hours before the Blessed Sacrament, I was reading about the life of St. Teresa of Avila. I was astounded when she left everything to follow God’s call, and her dad approved! In that very same hour, God called me, “Come be my priest.” With a “YES!” God and I began the journey of discernment. He gave me the realization, at that moment, that the priesthood was actually the fulfillment of my desires to help, to love, and to give my whole life for everyone I meet. I told my girlfriend that night that I needed to follow this through, and we parted ways on excellent terms. Over the next year, I slowly left the path to a career in engineering for the journey of discernment.

During that time, I met the Legion and Regnum Christi. I participated in RC Mercy Missions and visited the Legion’s seminary in Cheshire, Connecticut. Almost exactly one year after beginning to discern the priesthood, I entered the Legionary novitiate.

God revealed that this mission to help Jesus save every soul on earth and to serve the Church and Regnum Christi in a passionate brotherhood that I’ve come to love is His calling for me. It’s clear now that the Legion is the place where my desire for souls, for all people, and for God meet.

Come and experience the joy when Br. Matthew makes his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience on Saturday, August 10, 2024. More info

Watch livestream of professions ceremony!


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