Are you a young man who has an urgent desire to work for Christ in his mission of spreading the gospel to every corner of society, who desires to make Christ better known and loved, and who resonates with the charism of Regnum Christi?  Then we invite you to explore what it is to be a Legionary of Christ priest in today’s world.

What it means to be a Legionary

Being a Legionary is a dynamic synthesis of many elements. It means being a man of God, a passionate apostle of Christ, a formator of apostles, a proclaimed witness of God’s merciful love, a well-rounded man, a creative evangelizer, a lively and magnanimous innovator (Christus Vita Vestra, 65).

Discernment Tools

Test Your Call Retreats

LC Vocation Team

Are you a young man who urgently desires to work for Christ in his mission of spreading the gospel to every corner of society, who desires to make Christ better known and loved, and who resonates with the charism of Regnum Christi?  Then, we invite you to explore what it is to be a Legionary of Christ priest in today’s world.

Fr. Joseph Brickner

Vocation Director

Texas, Louisiana

Fr. José Helio Cantú 

Vocation Coordinator

Yonkers, NY

Fr. Ronald Conklin 

Vocation Coordinator


Fr. Martin Connor

National Vocation Director

New England, Detroit

Fr. Vito Crincoli

Vocation Coordinator

Washington DC

Fr. Robert DeCesare

Vocation Director

Heartland, Chicago

Fr. Simon Devereux  

Vocation Coordinator

San Jose

Fr. Lorenzo Gomez

Vocation Coordinator

Los Angeles

Fr. Christopher Gronotte 


Sacred Heart Apostolic School

Fr. Juan José Hernández 

Vocation Coordinator

Duke University

Fr. John Klein 

College Chaplain

GA Tech, UGA

Fr. Jeremy Lambert

YA RC Section Director

New Orleans

Fr. Kenneth LeBlanc

Vocation Coordinator

Western Canada

Fr. Luis Lorenzo

YA RC Section Director


Fr. Fergal Ó Dúill

Vocation Coordinator


Fr. Benjamin O’Loughlin

YA RC Section Director


Fr. Andres Orellana

YA RC Section Director

San Jose, CA

Fr. David Parker

Vocation Coordinator


Fr. Vinh Pham

vocation director

Ohio & Northern California

Fr. Ryan Richardson

College Chaplain

Benedictine College

Fr. Nicholas Sheehy

College Chaplain

North Carolina State

Fr. Paul Silva


Sacred Heart Apostolic School

Fr. Jason Smith 

Vocation Coordinator


Fr. Markus Stehmer

vocation director

Mid Atlantic Area

Fr. Brett Taira 

College Chaplain

Benedictine College

Fr. Bernardo Torres

Vocation Coordinator

Cheshire, CT

Fr. John VanDorpe 

Vocation Director

Southeast, Atlanta

Fr. Joshua West

College Chaplain

North Carolina State

Fr. Adam Zettel 

Vocation Coordinator

Eastern Canada 

Where We Are

If you have questions about vocations or life as a Legionary feel free to reach out to [email protected].

Becoming a Legionary

Legionary Formation

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