LC Cheshire

I felt like I was stuck and had no purpose in life

  Meet Brother Christian Patterson


I grew up in a large Catholic family in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am one of seven children – having six brothers and one sister. My parents are both Regnum Christi members and our family has been involved in the Legion’s youth apostolates for as long as I can remember.

I had always dreamt of becoming a priest. This dream was fundamental to the development of my faith. At the end of my sophomore year in high school, I got the opportunity to visit Sacred Heart Apostolic School for a retreat during Holy Week. The retreat was powerful – an experience that made a huge impact on my life. But as positive as that experience was, I didn’t feel called to attend the Apostolic School at that point.

Two years later, while studying engineering, I felt like I was stuck and had no purpose in life. I knew I needed to seriously search for God’s will for my life. I was invited to participate in a spiritual exercises retreat in Muenster, Saskatchewan, and it immediately felt like “home” to me.

Through prayer and discernment, I felt sure that God was calling me to be his priest. In faith, I took the step to join the Legionary Novitiate in Cheshire, Connecticut, and here, I continue the pursuit of serving Christ my whole life.

Come and experience the joy when Br. Christian makes his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience on Saturday, August 10, 2024! More info

Watch livestream of professions ceremony!


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