LC Cheshire

Following my heart led me to a decision I know I won’t regret

  Meet Brother Keiren Hamilton


My name is Brother Keiren Hamilton. I am a novice at the Legionaries of Christ Novitiate and College of Humanities. Several years back, as a teen, I visited the Legion’s Sacred Heart Apostolic School in Rolling Prairie, Indiana. I loved that experience so much that I couldn’t wait to attend the school. That decision surprised both my family and me.

My years at Sacred Heart were some of the best of my life, and the things I learned there will stay with me forever. As I entered my senior year, however, I found myself caught in a dilemma. I loved the Legion, but I wasn’t quite sure if I was called to be a priest. I had the desire, but I didn’t know if I had the call. 

During that same year, several of my classmates and I visited the Legion’s Novitiate in Cheshire multiple times. Each time I wondered, am I meant to be here? Is this where God wants me to be? The more I prayed about it, the more I felt that the best choice was to at least try the Candidacy program. I loved it! It answered so many questions for me and showed me that the best choice sometimes is to follow your heart and your conscience when you don’t hear a clear answer.

Following my heart led me to a decision I know I won’t regret: giving God the first shot at my life.

Come and experience the joy when Br. Keiren makes his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience on Saturday, August 10, 2024!  
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